Uttarakhand Public and Private Property Damage Recovery (Ordinance) Act, 2024: Key Highlights

Dehradun – The Uttarakhand government has enacted the Public and Private Property Damage Recovery (Ordinance) Act, 2024 to address increasing incidents of vandalism and damage to public and private properties. The ordinance aims to strengthen the legal framework for recovering costs from those responsible for such damage.

Key Provisions of the Ordinance:

  1. Cost Recovery: The ordinance allows authorities to recover costs from individuals or groups responsible for damaging public and private properties, including vehicles, buildings, and infrastructure.
  2. Penalties: Stiffer penalties have been introduced for offenders, with fines proportional to the extent of damage caused. Repeat offenders may face harsher consequences.
  3. Fast-Track Courts: The establishment of fast-track courts will expedite the hearing of cases related to property damage, ensuring timely justice.
  4. Accountability: The ordinance mandates that organizers of public gatherings, protests, or events will be held liable for any damage that occurs during such events.
  5. Awareness Campaigns: The government plans to conduct awareness campaigns to educate the public about the implications of vandalism and the legal repercussions involved.


The introduction of this ordinance has received mixed reactions. Supporters argue that it is essential for maintaining public order and protecting property rights, while critics express concerns about potential misuse against peaceful protests and gatherings.

As the ordinance comes into effect, the government emphasizes the need for responsible behavior among citizens and the importance of safeguarding public assets. Further developments and its impact on civil liberties will be closely monitored.

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