PGI Rheumatologists lead development of first of its kind Indian guidelines for management of ANCA vasculitis

Prof. Aman Sharma, DEptt of Internal Medicine, PGIMER, Chandigarh

Prof. Aman Sharma, DEptt of Internal Medicine, PGIMER, Chandigarh

ANCA associated vasculitis are a group of life threatening disease which affect various organs like lungs and kidneys simultaneously. This involvement occurs very rapidly and if the treatment is not initiated in time can this can lead to irreversible damage or death. The treatment involves use of drugs that suppress inflammation. Till now the guidelines for management of these disease have been developed by developed western countries and there was a void of Indian guidelines for managing these conditions.

A group of Indian researchers led by Prof Aman Sharma, Professor Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology Services; Department of Internal Medicine developed Indian Rheumatology Association guidelines for management of this dreaded disease. These guidelines have been published in an International Journal of repute, Autoimmunity Reviews (IF 9.2). PGI has a vast experience in managing AAV patients with more than 500 patients seen over last two decades. Dr Shankar Naidu from PGI and Dr Aaadhar Dhooria , a PGI aluminus are shared first authors of these guidelines and Prof Sharma is the corresponding author.

These are the First of its kind guidelines developed by Indian Rheumatology Association which have been published in an International Journal of Repute. The other experts in the group are Prof Vikas Aggarwal from SGPGI Lucknow, Prof Uma Kumar from AIIMS, New Delhi, Dr C Balakrishna from Hinduja Hospital Mumbai, Prof Vineeta Shobha from St Johns Bengaluru amongst others. The guidelines are tailored to include the treatment modalities which are available in India, take into account the cost considerations and are best suited in Indian context. These guidelines would also be suited for south Asian countries and other developing nations around the globe.
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