New Delhi, January 10, 2025 — The Supreme Court on Friday expressed its unwillingness to intervene in the Allahabad High Court’s decision to consolidate all civil suits related to the Krishna Janmabhoomi-Shahi Eidgah dispute.
A bench led by Chief Justice of India (CJI) Sanjiv Khanna and Justice PV Sanjay Kumar emphasized that consolidating the cases would streamline the proceedings, benefiting all parties involved by avoiding repetitive litigation.
“Why should we interfere in the issue of consolidation? What difference does it make if it is consolidated? It is to your benefit and their benefit also that multiple proceedings are avoided. We will adjourn this. I do not know why everything needs to be contested,” remarked CJI Khanna while addressing the counsel for the Committee of Management Trust Shahi Eidgah.
Although the bench did not pass any formal order, it adjourned the matter, scheduling a re-listing in the first week of April 2025.
The apex court is dealing with several petitions concerning the controversial Krishna Janmabhoomi-Shahi Eidgah mosque dispute in Mathura. The issue stems from allegations that the Shahi Eidgah mosque was built on land believed to be the birthplace of Lord Krishna, allegedly after demolishing a temple on the site.
The civil suit in question, filed by Bhagwan Shri Krishna Virajman (a Hindu deity) and a group of Hindu devotees, seeks the removal of the mosque, claiming it was unlawfully constructed on Krishna Janmabhoomi land.
The Allahabad High Court’s consolidation order aims to address the multiple legal proceedings surrounding the dispute in a unified manner. The move is expected to expedite the resolution of the decades-long conflict, although it continues to be a point of contention for some parties involved.